Autumn Checklist Update


Nearing the end of September and I have ticked off a few items on my Autumn checklist. Today I snatched a half hour in the garden to collect up some conkers.

There is a huge horse chestnut tree in the field next to our garden. It’s branches scatter the grass with horse chestnut shells, and I love finding them when they are partially open like treasure chests left ajar.

Three conkers in one shell! Jackpot! I soon had a jar full of conkers. Over the next few weeks Orla and I will feed these to the squirrels at the park. It’s really fun watching them come close to take a conker, grasp it with their little hands and then run off with it. Only to return seconds later to see if you have anymore!

In the meantime, I have spread the conkers out on my little tree stand display along with a pumpkin spiced scented candle to bring a bit of Autumn festivity into the house. It makes me feel all nice and cosy each time I walk see it!


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